Recover From Spiritual Abuse Quickly And CompletelyWithout Losing Trust In God, Yourself, Or Others!

You Can Obtain Justice In The Courts Of Heaven That Will Set Your Heart Right. We Show You How In This Powerful Workshop


The Workshop is available ON-DEMAND. Get instant access to all of the sessions.

This is a fast paced, interactive workshop, that's designed for your transformation. You up for it?
There are 4 content packed sessions along with Q&A each session. You also receive various supporting PDF resources like assessments and prayer templates.

What Some Of Our Workshop Participants Have To Say...

You Can Be Free From The Effects Of Spiritual Abuse - Quickly And Easily - Through The Courts Of Heaven

From Greg's Desk in Calgary AB

Let me tell you a true story...

It was 2006. I had recently resigned from pastoring a church for 10 years and had been traveling and speaking in various places.

While on a break, I spent some extra time praying and seeking the Lord for what's next. One day, I started doing my 'spiritual warfare prayer' which started with, "Now, listen to me satan." Then, I would rebuke, bind, break the power etc.  It's not a method I would recommend to anyone, especially with what happened next.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit stood in front of me - like a man, and said, "Greg, he's been at this a lot longer than you have, you need some help.

Instantly I was standing in a heavenly place and there before me was a throne. 

I saw someone sitting on the throne and people from the earth realm coming before this throne, making petitions and receiving rulings. When they took possession of the rulings and returned to where they had been praying on earth - powerful stuff happened for them. I could see their lives getting better and solutions released that were astounding.

I watched about 20 of them make petitions, and the results were the same every time. 

13 years previous, I had resigned from the staff of a spiritually abusive church. I had tried EVERYTHING to feel normal after that experience. Inner healing, prophetic ministry, fasting and prayer, counselling, talking endlessly about it trying to make sense of it, forgiveness, probably 2,000 times... nothing resolved what I felt inside.

Can You Relate To This?

While I was in the heavenly place, this past experience came to my mind, and I thought, "I wonder if I could get justice from this court that would deal with that situation?"

Then I stepped forward and began my petition. I didn't know if I was doing it right, and frankly it didn't seem to matter. I was happy to be able to make a petition like I had seen these other people do.

As I was petitioning, I became aware of many things related to the abuse that I had not considered. I could feel the heart of God for me and His awareness of the injustice of the situation. There was an exchange that happened in the court that I felt in my heart. I had no idea what it was (until later). 

When I felt like I was finished I found myself back in the room I was praying in.

To my amazement, all of the feeling that something was not right was gone - completely gone.

The feeling that I had been heard and understood filled me.

The awareness that I had justice for what had happened to me surrounded me.

I wasn't angry anymore. I had peace - a deep peace I had not felt for a very long time - it was like a long lost friend had come home.

This Put Me On A Path Of Discovering The Courts Of Heaven.

I invested over 10 years to research, experiment with my discoveries, test ideas, see and quantify results, and figure out how to teach it in easy to understand ways.

Lots has happened since then.

Recently on one of our broadcasts, some of the comments were about spiritually abusive churches. As we answered questions I realized we had not done any teaching about this area of suffering in the body of Christ.

To solve that, we created this workshop to teach you how to recover from spiritual abuse. The workshop covers a lot of ground which is why we recorded it in a live Zoom setting over 2 days. 

Here's Some Of What You'll Learn In The Workshop

You'll learn:

  • how to recognize the signs that you are in a spiritually manipulative church, ministry or business, and the first steps you can take to correct your course of action.
  • why abusive churches use legalism to control behaviour and attendance. You may be more affected by this than you want to admit.
  • the real reason why ministry and business leaders end up being controlling and manipulative. We'll show you how to come out from under the confusion of how they treated you.
  • why anger has not gone away - even after you have renounced it and forgave the abusers - like 2,000 time!
  • why you feel the need to talk, and talk, and talk about it - even years after the fact.  The actual reason for that will surprise you because it doesn't seem connected.
  • how you may have participated in your own abuse. We found a way that fixes that issue permanently. The solution will add joy back into your life.
  • how the courts of heaven are available for you to make your complaint known. Justice will be given to you for the injustice of what happened to you.
  • the petition to make in the court of heaven regarding spiritual abuse and how it has affected you. We will not only give you the template, we will be interceding in the court of heaven for everyone in the workshop live on Zoom.
  • the technique to get your independence and power back. 
  • and more

 Listen, it's not right nor fair for church leaders to manipulate and abuse those that God has assigned them to take care of.

You know this and so does God. He's the Judge, and He will give you justice. We will help you to get there.

 It took us years to discover the path, it'll take you a couple of hours to learn it, then a few weeks to implement it - depending on how far into it you let your self go. Honestly, this should not have happened to you. It isn't right nor fair that it did. God has justice for you that will settle the issue once and for all time.

Then you'll be yourself again.

What We Can Promise Is This:

  • you'll feel awake again.  You'll feel like you're waking up from a looooooong nap and you'll feel rested. The bone weariness of living under the shadow of abuse will be gone.
  • your mind will be clear.  All the confusion from the spiritual abuse will be gone, replaced by true perspectives of the scriptures and common sense.
  • you'll understand WHY it happened.  Knowing what the real problem is, is the key to solving the actual problem. We show you in plain language what causes people to be spiritually abusive. When you see it your brain will relax. Tension will leave your shoulders and chest. You'll breathe deeper.
  • you'll recover the joy of your salvation. Real true joy. Joy that is spontaneous and feels like the bubbles of soda pop in your heart and mind. The joy that is unspeakable and full of glory will return to you. This is a great treasure.
  • you'll enjoy a deep peace. Peace is a gift from Jesus and is spiritual. Peace that passes understanding will guard you and you'll enjoy anxiety free days and an ease of making good decisions.
  • you'll discover the love of God all over again. You had this once - or maybe you haven't enjoyed the full exposure to His love and goodness. We promise you - you will.
  • your purpose for life will get a new energy.  Abusive places steal the dreams of those who have them. You may have laid yours down so you could serve the vision of the house. You'll pick it up again. The world needs you in your purpose.
  • and more...

Why Can We Promise This?

Because we have walked the same path that you're on right now. We found a way to be truly free and back on track with life.

During the workshop we tell you parts of our story and how the Holy Spirit helped us to fully recover. We show you the path and the lessons we learned along the way.

We've helped more people than we care to count, to come out from under spiritually abusive experiences. 

You're up next.

Register today. You'll be glad you did when you feel happy again, and again, and again.

Your friends;

Greg and Val

Ps: the workshop is on-demand adn all the sessions including the Q&A are instantly available. It's only $97 USD and there's also a 2 Pay option of $55 USD over 2 months. We hope you join us for this workshop. It could be a defining moment for you.


Now... Are You Ready To Find Out THE KEYS You Get In The How To Recover From Spiritual Abuse Workshop?

Here goes. This is what you'll experience...

KEY #1:

You'll Learn How A Praying Pastor Becomes Spiritually Abusive And Not Even Realize That He's Doing Anything Wrong!

Knowing this key is critical to removing the mental confusion of spiritual abuse. If you don't clearly understand this one thing, your mind won't have what it needs to resolve the trauma loop the abuse has caused.  You'll discover exactly why  ministry leaders become like this and how to overcome it with a few simple prayer and meditation exercises you can easily do.


KEY #2:

You'll Discover An Identity Source That Keeps You From Losing Trust In God, Yourself, And Others!

You get your identity from many things. Some identity sources  may cause mental and emotional instability. When you lock into this particular identity source, you find the path of permanent peace. This is the source of the joy of your salvation. Get this right and your happy days are here to stay!


KEY #3:

We'll Take You Into The Court Of Heaven To Get Justice For What Happened.

My very first encounter with the Court of Heaven was about getting justice for the spiritual abuse we suffered. My hope is, you experience the same thing I did! It was wonderful. We'll take you there and intercede on your behalf before the court. You will also receive the Justice Intercession Template PDF to help you in your prayer and study times. 


KEY 4:

You'll Discover How To Stop Feeling Angry And Vengeful - So You Won't Lose Your Faith Or Identity

The source of the anger will be dealt with in the courts of heaven. We'll show you how God will avenge you through the courts of heaven. It's not what you may think, and you'll like it. Especially when you feel relaxed and happy all the time. Like the picture next to here or above. Unless you are a man - then you would look different - but relaxed and happy! 😃


Questions  About The How To Recover From Spiritual Abuse Workshop

The Workshop Is Only $97 USD

A question you should be asking is how would the results of taking this workshop compare to the results of several counselling sessions?

Do the math. You would most likely need at minimum 6 sessions, and let's say you are charged $75 per session. $75 x 6 sessions = $450. (You would have no problem paying a counsellor for their time would you?) And that person would be able to help you to process what you have gone through. Even more so if they had gone through it themselves.

Now... am I saying that what you will learn in this workshop will be more effective than numerous counselling sessions? Yes and no. Yes, because I have been where you are and have the unique experience of being somewhat expert in the courts of heaven. Something a typical counsellor would not have. Plus I am completely free from the spiritual abuse - so I intimately know the path. And no... counsellors are great listeners and sometimes that's all you need to find your own solutions.  

We won't charge you $450 like the counsellor would, in fact, you won't pay even half that to register. You'll pay only $97 USD for the entire workshop.

Now, to make it even easier for you we have a 2 pay option. You still get full access to the workshop and supporting resources for only $55 USD a month for 2 months. (You'll save 12% by using the single pay option.)

How's that sound to you?

And we have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our course material at JCH Online. So there's absolutely no risk to you.


Your Workshop Instructors

Greg and Val have done and do life together. Through their platform, JCH Online, Greg and Val and their team have reached tens of thousands of people across the world with the good news of what Jesus has done for everyone.

They believe in the potential for good within every person. And have a unique way of coaxing that potential to the surface in the lives of those they connect with.

You're in good hands. You'll have a good and safe experience.