“In About An Hour, I Show You The Supernatural Path Where God Unlocks Your Financial Breakthrough.

We Made Over $1,000,000 From ONE Idea God Inspired Us To Work On.



"Amazing and eye opening workshop!"



"God brought up a deep judgment I had that I didn't deserve good things because I was bad, due to bad things that happened to me as a child."


"Next time I'm going to just listen through these courses, first. LOL. As every one of my questions are being answered as you proceed. What an amazing workshop. Everything has been answered."

If You're Working Hard To Be A Success But Things Keep Falling Apart, Even Though You Are Doing Everything 'Right', Then This Workshop Is The Answer To Your Prayers!

Hey There Prosperous Child Of God!

Wanting more money and financial security is not selfish. It's honourable.

Financial abundance, and enjoying it, is a gift from God.

"Also, everyone to whom God has given riches and wealth, along with the power to enjoy it, so that he takes his allotted portion and finds pleasure in his work — this is a gift of God;..." Ecclesiastes 5:19 (CJB)

If God Is Giving This Gift, You Want To Receive It - Right?

But why is it that even though you work really hard you can't seem to make any progress?

You get a few dollars ahead, then your fridge breaks down, or your car needs repairs, or your kids need some new thingy for school.

Maybe you've tried to get a side hustle going - it's a great idea - but nothing you've tried has worked, and you're not making any money. Even though you're trying your best to do it the way the girl on TikTok said to do it.

And then... (happens every time)... you get lost in your own head and start 'talking to yourself'. "What's wrong with you? You wouldn't be in this mess if you weren't so stupid. 5 years ago you could have done xyz. You always mess things up. You should have done xyz - instead you did this... you big dummy. No wonder you always fail - you always mess things up."

Believe me or not, that conversation in your head is the clue for what is blocking your financial breakthrough.

You see, I was that guy. 

I worked hard at putting business deals together. Big ones. They would work for a few months, then the wheels on the bus would fall off and I would be back to square one. This happened again and again. I would make some good money for a few months, then nothing.

I got into debt. I owed friends and family money. Credit cards were maxed. All the while trying to meet budget month to month.

I was doing everything I thought I should be doing as a follower of Jesus too. I was tithing AND giving over and above, I was serving the Lord. I prayed daily, and read the Word diligently. Served in Church. And even with all that - my financial life was a wreck.

Then Everything Changed With One Conversation With The Holy Spirit

During a time of self loathing and regret, where I was beating myself up in my own mind, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,

"You need to withdraw the financial judgments you've made about yourself."

Then He took me to a scripture and began to show me how this particular passage was a path of breakthrough.

I started the process. I wanted to be thorough and deliberate in what He was showing, so it took me a few months to figure out. But the way I teach you how to do it, gets you quick results when you apply yourself to it a certain way - which is in the workshop.


At The End Of That Time, I Felt Different. Hopeful.

Then Holy Spirit asked me, "What do you have in your house?"

I did a quick inventory and listed all the skills I had and the online course I had created but couldn't figure out how to market. 

Within a week, I was sitting on a Zoom in yet another business training program, when my eyes were opened and I 'SAW' the opportunity for me. It dropped right into my lap. It was like I was inside of a machine and I could see all the moving parts. The strangest thing was - I somehow knew I could do it and that I would be successful with it.

I just needed to build what I had seen. Kinda like Moses seeing the tabernacle in the mountain of God and then building it exactly like he had seen. (Hebrews 8:5-6)

We went to work immediately, and within 3 weeks launched that new idea. 

It made us a lot of money - in fact since launching it we have made over $1.4 million. On that one idea.

But the greatest thing that happened is we get to do what we LOVE TO DO while we make this money.

And it's all because of getting on that path of breakthrough - which you can learn about in this mini workshop.

God has designed you for value creation, to improve the lives of the people in your world. And when you're involved in changing peoples lives by your products and services, there's no better feeling in the world

Here's What You Can Discover In This Mini Workshop

When you have these things functioning - the path of Financial Breakthrough opens up to you:

  • You've Got The Power - God has given you a power that has one function only - to create wealth. We show you what that power is and how it functions, so you can use it and prosper beyond what you ever have before.
  • Pure Desires - learn what they are and how to purify yours - so you can keep your life free from evil desires that bring corruption into this world. 
  • Attitudes About Money - uncover your limiting attitudes and change them at the heart level so you can engage the limitless power that resides within you according to Ephesians 3:20
  • Your Money Judgments, we help you locate and uncover your money judgements, then lead you in an activation in the Court of Heaven to legally remove these judgments. Then your inner critic won't have anything else to say to you, and you won't be in a self imposed prison any more.
  • The Productivity Zone - this is the goal of the workshop - your eyes suddenly open to the opportunities that are all around you, so you can take action and transform your life financially!
  • What Do You Have In Your House? You already have what you need to get stable and successful financially. Wisdom will help to get it all working and making money.

This is why you want to get this mini workshop!


AND... We Don't Rehash Everything You've Already Heard In Church...

This is a unique process that the Holy Spirit taught me. It's a different way of approaching the scripture that engages your heart in the glory of God. It's results oriented. Once you see it you'll understand why it's so effective.

Anyone can do this. And we take the risk by giving you a 30 day money back guarantee.

So, you have zero risk in this decision. It's really a no-brainer.

What if you have the same type of experience that I did and it unlocks you? What would that mean to you, our family, your self confidence, your self respect?

In About An Hour You'll Discover...


God has made power available to you, we'll show you how you can use it. Listen, this is supernatural and transformative. It isn't just that you'll be able to make way more money, you'll know God WAY BETTER at the same time!



God teaches us His ways so we can walk in His paths. You'll discover one of the paths of God in the scriptures. I call it the Path Of Breakthrough. When Holy Spirit showed me this path and I started walking it, just 1 idea has made over $1.4 million.



You'll discover that you are swimming in opportunities! And you'll learn that your wealthy place is already in your house! You already have the raw materials to prosper beyond your wildest dreams, you just need to see them and then Holy Spirit will take it from there.


Register Today For This Mini Workshop... You'll Be Glad That You Did!

Defining moments can happen at the most ordinary of times. One of mine happened while I was on a Zoom, in a webinar, and then the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see where I was, and the opportunity that surrounded me. That experience was the catalyst of our financial breakthrough. Perhaps this workshop will be that for you.

Listen, it's only $30. It's only about an hour. We don't waste your time or rehash stuff you've already heard about finances in church.


PLUS... You Also Receive 3 PDF Assessments And Worksheets Valued At Over $100

$27 Value - FREE

You have pre-existing attitudes about money that are hurting you. The first step is locating what they are, then you can do something about them. We go through this assessment in the workshop.


$37 Value - FREE

This worksheet will help you to purify the source of your desires that you pray about all the time. Because if your source is evil, it brings corruption into your life. One of the reasons things don't work out.


$37 Value - FREE

Just like a house or building needs framing for the structure to exist, you also need a spiritual and mental framework to create your new reality for your breakthrough life.


If You Have Questions - We Have Answers!

Hit the plus sign beside the question to get the answer you are looking for.

Your Host: Greg Kurjata

Greg is an entrepreneur, author and broadcaster who has co-founded JCH Online Community with his wife and business partner Val. Through online courses, workshops and coaching they are transforming lives around the world.

The Path Of Breakthrough is a doorway into God's supernatural provision. Your abilities become unstuck. You know what to do. Wisdom becomes easy to discern. You want to take action and get stuff done.  This is the best investment you could possibly make at this time in your life. Register right now. You'll be glad you did!