The Supernatural Way To Write And Market Your Book Workshop

Ok... God Has Told You To Write A Book. Here's What You Can Do Next. Join this workshop and get the info you need to not only start or finish writing your book, but also, learn how to promote and market it as well.

What you'll get:

  • Learn how to tap into the thoughts of God to release heaven on earth.
  • How to find and connect with the people God has called you to reach - your Loved Ones
  • Learn all the tech stuff like cover design, content design, the right way to do your table of contents, QR code use, speed writing tactics, idea testing, and more.
  • How to build a platform that will open up opportunity for you to create a wide variety of training for your audience.

This is an investment in the word of the Lord to you. You know God has asked you to write, this will show you how to do that very thing, and then some.

The option you've chosen is 3 Payments of $37USD over 3 months. Your first payment will start as soon as you click "Complete My Purchase". The remaining payments will be automatically deducted on the same date next month. 

$37.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Learn The Secret Technique That Ends Procrastination That Is So Easy, Even A 10 Year Old Boy Can Do It.

In less than an hour I’ll show you why you procrastinate and exactly what you can do to end procrastination from ever happening again.

What you'll get:

  • What the source of procrastination actually is, and you'll discover that it's not what you think it is!
  • The exact steps to take that will end procrastination from happening in your life - no matter when it shows up or how long you have been a serial procrastinator.
  • On-Demand Video - Start watching immediately after purchase!

Click the box below or above to add the End Procrastination Mini Workshop to your order for only $30USD

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